Simple Tips to Wear a Long / Maxi Skirt for Petite Girls


As a person who has petite body figure, long skirt is such a big no. It's usually makes us look shorter. But since I'm dying to wear this skirt my mom bought me, I try to mix it and this tips will help you looks taller even though you wear a maxi skirt:

1. Wear a well fitted top/shirt & tuck it in.
When you slip your shirt into your pants, make sure it's around / above your hip line because it will makes your legs looks longer.

2. Monochrome is a good choice (especially white).
 Wearing monochrome & one color maxi skirt also creating a vision of longer legs. Try to avoid pattern outfit because it's proven makes us look more fatter & shorter.

3. Wear Heels. 
Honestly when I'm bare foot, this skirt is kinda reaching the floor a little bit as I walk by. But heels help a lot :") Try to find a pair that matches your skin tone.

4. Choose a split skirt.
When you wear a split skirt, you can show off your leg.


outer - Bershka
black tee - H&M

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